Businesses dedicated to informing and connecting students, parents, and schools to career and life opportunities in the Columbia Basin and beyond.
Real-life experiences for career connected learning in the Columbia Basin.
The Workforce Alliance was created to build relationships with educators, students, and parents through real-life experiences to communicate career opportunities and required skills that provide a meaningful life and family-living wage in the Columbia Basin. Career Connected Learning is a combination of awareness, exploration, preparation, and work experiences developed through strong public and private partnerships.
Workforce Development
Career Preparation experiences support college and career readiness and include extended interaction with professionals from the industry.
Showcasing Local Opportunities
Career Awareness experiences are those that help students build awareness of the variety of careers available.
Connecting Community With Industry
Career Exploration provides students with short term direct interaction with partners and the opportunity to explore career options.
Get Involved with Career Connect
There are many ways for industry, students, educators, and community members to get involved with Career Connected Learning in the Columbia Basin:
Student Tours
Educator Tours of Industry
Industry Tours of Education
Job Shadow
Speaking To Students
Internships or Apprenticeships
Soft Skill Clinics
Connecting Our Future: Career-Connected Learning in the Columbia Basin
There are more than 740,000 new jobs in Washington State that are high-skilled and high-paying. But, companies across the state are quickly realizing they cannot find the right employees to meet these workforce demands.
News + Updates
Workforce Alliance Partners
Local Economic Development & Workforce
Port of Moses Lake
Grant County Economic Development Council
Adams County Economic Development Council
Worksource Moses Lake
Skillsource Moses Lake
Microsoft Techspark
Regional Partners
North Central Career Connect Washington Network
Apple STEM Network
North Central Educational Service District
NCW Tech Alliance
Statewide Partners
Washington STEM
Career Connect Washington
Association for Washington Business
Local Education
Big Bend Community College
Columbia Basin Technical Skills Center
Moses Lake School District
Othello School District
Ephrata School District
Quincy School District
Wahluke School District
Wilson Creek School District
Almira Coulee Hartline School District
Grand Coulee School District
Royal City School District
Soap Lake School District
Quincy Innovation Academy