About Us
The core mission of the Apple STEM Network is to work in collaboration to expand opportunities for young people in North Central Washington, guiding them towards promising careers of their choice that offer long-term stability and family-wage earning potential.
With aligned strategies and programs, we strive to make Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) accessible to all youth and all community members.
We aim to provide clear pathways to regional STEM careers, foster career-connected learning experiences, support students in their transitions, empower educators, and contribute to the economic growth of our communities.
Our Five Focuses
To achieve this vision, our collective impact work revolves around five major objectives.
Each objective is accompanied by a set of strategies and aligned programs. As our collective impact work has grown, we have leveraged additional funding to support and amplify our efforts.
How Apple STEM Works
Together, we are changing the local conditions to improve outcomes for young people in North Central Washington. This is the Collective Impact of the Apple STEM Network.
Use the tabs below to learn more about each level of influence that is pivotal to the success of the Network.

01 | Statewide Community of Practice
The Apple STEM Network is proud to be part of the Statewide Community of Practice, consisting of ten regional networks across the state of Washington. Together, we are dedicated to improving outcomes for young people throughout the entire state. As an affiliate of Washington STEM, a statewide nonprofit organization, we receive invaluable support in the form of data, strategy, legislative advocacy, and ongoing leadership development.
Throughout the year, we actively engage with the other nine regional networks, forming a robust system of collaboration. We come together to learn, share resources, exchange ideas, and analyze data. This collective effort allows us to organize advocacy initiatives that drive positive change for STEM education and workforce development statewide.
By participating in the Statewide Community of Practice, we tap into a network of knowledge and expertise, enabling us to enhance our impact on the youth of North Central Washington. Together, we strive to create a thriving educational ecosystem that equips young people across the state with the skills and opportunities they need for a successful future.